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AET Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity makes us better

Accessibility, mobility and transport are about people and concern complex issues and many uncertainties. Diversity in backgrounds and points of view make us better in dealing with that reality.

Diversity offers different perspectives and improves our discussions and decisions. It contributes to 'thinking outside the box', asking different sorts of questions, offering a range of approaches and solutions, broadening the views of all involved.

Being a diverse organisation helps us to remain relevant and anchored in society.


Equality, diversity and inclusion at AET

At AET, we believe that everyone should have the same opportunities to participate and develop, in society at large, as members and volunteers of our organisation and as participants in our activities.

AET wants to offer a place where members, volunteers and participants can be at their best, where they feel there is a place for them and where they can be themselves.

We are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all individuals, irrespective of their age, origin, background, culture, beliefs, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, neurotype and physical abilities, where everyone can feel they belong.


How we do this

In various ways, we are working to strengthen diversity, equality and inclusion at AET.

·        We continuously work on building a culture of respectful communication, considerate of cultural and professional differences.  

·        We are dedicated to supporting young researchers and professionals in our field of work, through a special programme committee and by offering support from more experienced to younger members, volunteers and participants.

·        Our Ambassadors’ network provides opportunities for younger professionals to represent the organisation in their respective countries and build their own network of professional connections.

·        AET has a women's network (Women in Transport), connecting and empowering women across the transport industry, improving their visibility.

·        Our Diversity and Inclusion working group is seeking to broaden participation in our organisation by recruiting people from a diverse range of backgrounds to serve as members of committees and working groups, the AET Board and council and as conference session chairs.

·        At our events, we strive to offer a balanced contribution from speakers from different countries, ages and genders. We are also working on a more inclusive conference by catering for special needs, such as quiet spaces and arrangements for companions for those who are less able to travel alone.

·        Although we communicate in English, we are mindful of language barriers. We encourage native speakers to bear in mind that English is not the native language of many of our members, volunteers and participants.


Work in progress

Our ambition is clear, but we are certainly still on our way. There is still much to improve within AET, not only in terms of the diversity of our members, volunteers and participants, but also in terms of equality and inclusion. This is a work in progress for AET and the field. A diverse and inclusive organisation is made together, so we are always open to suggestions, other insights and people who would like to help to bring this further.