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AET Membership

The Association for European Transport (AET) is Europe's leading transport professional organisation. AET provides a forum for
transport professionals and researchers across Europe to network and exchange ideas and information as well as to discuss policy issues.

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AET Membership Benefits

AET provides a forum in which professionals working in the transport sector in different European countries can meet to exchange ideas and information. At present this is done mainly through the European Transport Conference, one of the largest events of its kind in Europe, but in future there will be a membership database and a system of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) which will help members to establish contacts with colleagues in other countries.

AET Online Events

European Transport Conference Discounts

  • Individual members automatically receive a 10% discount on European Transport Conference fees.
  • Organisational members receive a 15% discount according to size.

Programme Committee Memberships

  • All AET members are eligible for appointment to the Programme Committees.
  • An opportunity to network with transport professionals and academics.
  • Stay up-to-date on current and emerging transport policies and programmes throughout Europe.

Online Resources

  • AET intends to use the private part of its website, accessible via a password, to help members access information and people in other countries.
  • We are currently asking members for their views about what should be posted on the website; ideas under discussion include:
    • A membership database;
    • "Where to go" address book;
    • Links to other transport web sites;
    • Details of new publications;
    • News about research and consultancy projects;
    • A listing of forthcoming events;
    • Helpline for people seeking information or research partners.

Research Dissemination

Young Professionals

  • AET is committed to the training and development of the next generation of transport professionals, and provides a friendly and informal atmosphere in which they can develop their presentation and communication skills.
  • Young Professionals are entitled to a 50% reduction on membership fees.
  • The European Transport Conference provides opportunities for Young Professionals to meet socially and develop networking opportunities.
  • AET will support any group that is keen to develop a more formal structure.

Membership Costs

There are various levels of membership for the Association for European Transport, depending on the number of transport-related employees within the Organisation. Subscription rates are set in Euros (EUR) and Pounds Sterling (GBP) and can be paid in either currency. The rates in the table below are exclusive of UK VAT.

The Association currently offers the following discounts:
  • 50% discount for Young Professionals (<35)
  • 50% discount to members from countries with a 2021 GDP/Capita below 20,000 US$
  • 25% discount to members from countries with a 2021 GDP/Capita between 20,000 US$ and 30.000 US$

Information on which countries qualify for a discount can be found in the AET and ETC booking discounts document. Please contact Julie Bragg at finance@aetransport.org if you require any clarification or further information.

Type Description GBP EUR Number of
transport-related employees

Programme Committee
membership entitlement

Votes at the
AET General Assembly
The costs are subject to VAT at 20%.
A Individual 88 104 1 1 1
B Very Small 760 890 1 - 10 1 1
C Small 1130 1320 11- 50 1 1
D Medium 1380 1615 51 - 100 2 2
E Large 1500 1760 101- 500 3 3
F Very Large 2350 2750 501+ 4


U Academic institutions - Universities 760 890 N/A 2



How to Join the AET