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Information for ETC Speakers

AET, through this conference, actively encourages presentations from speakers with all levels of expertise and experience within the transport profession. Some of the speakers will have made numerous presentations to international audiences and for some this may be the first, of hopefully many, presentations. The presentations made are also extremely varied in their content, some highly technical and some more theoretical.

Our aim within these notes is to assist speakers in how they set out their presentations to help ensure that they are clear and informative for an international audience. Below are some guidelines we recommend speakers follow when putting together their presentations prior to submitting them to the conference.


Key Dates for Speakers

Speakers confirm participation at ETC (confirm by email to Sanderijn Baanders)

10 May - 3 June

Booking your place for ETC

1 August

Payment of attendance fee

15 August

Submission of completed paper for peer review (if requested)

1 October


Preparation of ETC Papers and Presentations

Our aim within these notes is to assist speakers in how they set out their presentations to help ensure that they are clear and informative for an international audience. Below are some guidelines we recommend speakers follow when putting together their presentations prior to submitting them to the conference:


Please note that abstracts will be available to delegates of the conference on the AET website from the beginning of September. Changes to the text or title of your abstract can be made in your online abstract portal. On 17 August we will import our abstract database into our conference app. Any changes you make in the online abstract portal after 16 August will not be automatically synched with the conference app. Please notify our team at aetransport.events@aetransport.org of any changes you make so we can copy them into our conference app.

Paper Availability

The paper must be uploaded to the AET website. Registered delegates will be able to download the conference papers from the AET website before the Conference. After the Conference, papers will be available from our conference mobile app and on the AET website. Those papers which have been peer reviewed will be submitted to specialist journals and published online at a later date.

Peer Reviewed Papers

A number of selected papers will be published in specialist journals and/or will be included in the ETC selected proceedings. More information about these publication opportunities and the peer review process can be found here on our website. The review process takes some time and authors will be informed of progress.





Information for ETC Session Chairs

The Association is keen to ensure that participants (both speakers and delegates) gain the maximum benefit from attending the Conference and, to that end, asks Session Chairs to take responsibility for the structure and management of the session.

Please see the guidance below regarding your role before and during the Conference.

Detailed guidance on chairing sessions