Since 2013, AET has published peer reviewed papers in several journals. All information of previous publications can be found in the page on peer reviewed papers
Additionally, in the ETC repository, the full papers submitted to ETC are published in the online conference proceedings (ISSN 2313-185).
The partnership of AET with the Journal of Urban Mobility and the European Transport Research Review for ETC 2023 will be continued for ETC2024. AET has partnered with these highly-regarded peer-reviewed journals for publication of selected contributions in thematic special issues related to the conference.
European Transport Research Review
AET will contact the authors of the selected contributions in December 2024 and guide them through the submission and peer-review process.
Both journals have an exclusive open-access publication policy, therefore the submitted papers may be subject to article-processing charges (APCs). For more information about the applicable APCs, please check here for the European Transport Research Review and here for the Journal of Urban Mobility.
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