AET welcomes evidence and experiences in respect of Covid-19, the mobility and transport sector impacts, current responses and plans and proposals for future recovery. These submissions will be reviewed, classified and posted on this page which will be regularly updated.
Organization |
Description |
European Union | |
Apple | Covid-19 Mobility Trends Reports |
European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA) |
Resilience and regeneration: Public transport as powerful lever for Europe’s recovery Letter from EMTA to European Commission |
Euro Cities |
Live updates COVID-19: European cities respond to the coronavirus crisis |
DAT Mobility |
Effects of COVID-19 (Dutch) Changes in mobility in the Netherlands as registered by the 'Netherlands Verplaatsings Panel' |
Links to research publications and data analysis that are regularly updated. Some sources are in native languages but given the quality of online translation for web pages these sources are considered to provide relevant insights to all site visitors.
Organization |
Resource |
Germany |
Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) |
COVID-19 and Sustainable Mobility: Observations and documentation of first developments Report issued in May by the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) It documents the period early of March to early May 2020, i.e. the phase in which the COVID-19 crisis took on a global character. The paper concentrates on urban mobility, looks at the COVID-19 crisis itself, measures taken by cities and the respective potential effects. |
Ireland |
Dublin City Council |
Central Statistics Office |
Transport Bulletin Series 3: Information on transport indicators during the COVID-19 period Transport Bulletin Series 9: Information on transport indicators during the COVID-19 period |
Government of Ireland |
Transport Infrastructure Ireland |
Daily Car Traffic Levels Across TII’s National Road Network - 30th September 2020 |
Italy |
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport |
The MIT measures for COVID-19 (Italian) Guidelines for freight and passenger transport in each sector (Italian) Guidelines for public transport operators and users (Italian) Guidelines for information to users and organizational methods for containing the spread of covid-19 (Italian) Guidelines for maritime transport (Italian) |
Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente e Territorio (AMAT) | |
Comune di Milano Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente e Territorio (AMAT) |
Roma Servizi per la Mobilità | |
Istituto Superiore di Formazione e Ricerca per i Trasporti | |
TomTom | |
Kyoto Club & Istituto sull’Inquinamento Atmosferico del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-IIA) | |
Deloitte |
ISI Foundation Cuebiq University of Turin |
Multinational | |
Atkins Acuity |
White Paper - COVID-19 and Transport: Keeping Our World Moving During and After the Crisis |
European Academies’ Science Advisory Council (EASAC) |
Towards a sustainable future: Transformative change and post-COVID-19 priorities |
Netherlands |
National Data Warehouse |
Datablog: effects of Corona measures on traffic (Dutch) Registration of the drop in traffic just after lockdown and rebounce during relaxation of the lockdown measures. |
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management |
Road traffic trend forecast 2020-2025, including the possible consequences of the corona crisis (in Dutch) |
Spain |
Advisian |
COVID-19 impact on transportation Report prepared by Advisian for the Association of European Transport with an international analysis of the impact of Covid on transport and a chapter going in more detail for the case of Spain |
Switzerland |
ETH Zurich University of Basel |
MOBIS: COVID-19: Mobility behaviour in Switzerland Weekly updated results of Mobis-app on mobility in Switzerland during Corona |
United Kingdom |
Department for Transport |
Department for Transport Foreign and Commonwealth Office |
Public Health England Department for Education |
Greater London Authority |
Bennett Institute for Public Policy University of Cambridge |
Transport Strategy Centre - Imperial College London |
Transport Planning Society |
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport |
The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation |
United States of America |
Transportation Research Board |
Executive Director's report on the impacts of COVID-19 on the transportation system in the United States.
A selection of academic articles related to Covid-19 impacts on transportation. All articles listed are open access and do not require a subscription to access.
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