+44 (0) 15 64 793552





Chair: Johnny Ojeil, Ramboll, UK


Mission Statement:

In 2022 the AET set up a new Programme Committee on Aviation.
We are excited to have formed a new Aviation committee which will allow us to hopefully attract papers and participants from a range of specialist topics in the world of aviation. Aviation is seeing many challenges throughout the world in addition to the Covid pandemic and a lot of work is being carried out to support airports heading towards being a more sustainable industry. Transport plays a key part in helping the industry move towards a more environmentally friendly product. Zero carbon, mass sustainable transport and active travel are all key areas were we will be looking for contributions from moving forward.


ETC 2025 - Aviation Call for Papers

The Aviation stream for this year’s conference covers several key streams or themes. Recent developments and endeavours in limiting climate change and its consequences and improving sustainable led solutions are an important key overarching heading for our Aviation related activities.
For the 2025 conference we have identified the following, not exclusive, key areas of interest that we are especially interested in attracting papers on:

  • Surface Access Transport systems including sustainability and resilience led solutions – looking at key landside access solutions that include sustainable or mass transport systems in additions to innovations that lead to more passenger modal share by public transport and in some cases active travel for employees.
  • New innovative technology solutions – looking at how technology is aiding the climate change and resilience agenda towards a more sustainable future related to surface access for airports
  • Airport masterplanning studies – looking at practical examples as part of future airport planning related to airport expansions
  • Policy focussed initiatives - looking at a range of policy measures related to aviation and their impact on accessibility, modal share and general aviation and airport operational matters 
  • Airline and Airport Challenges - looking at examples of challenges and potential solutions either carried out by research work or on actual projects for airports which can be related to EU policy, open skies, sustainable challenges, scheduling, modelling, and overall performance targets etc  
    The Aviation committee seeks a wide range of papers and discussions with practitioners working in airport and airline research including surface access and sustainable solutions, general practitioners involved in policy making and also academics in the field of research related specifically to aviation matters with a focus on sustainable solutions (airside and landside).


Important notice:
Each year we receive more abstracts than can be accommodated in the programme. If your abstract is selected, please be aware that others have been rejected, that the ETC organisation has invested time in devising an attractive and coherent programme and that delegates use this programme to decide to come to the conference. 

Before submitting your abstract, please make sure at least one of the authors can attend the conference to present the paper or poster, that finances are available for conference fee, travel and accommodation costs and that you have/will obtain the approval needed (from management or client) to present the work in public at the time of the conference. If your paper is accepted, you will be required to book and pay for the conference by the end of June.

We do understand that sometimes circumstances can force authors to withdraw. If so, you would help us by informing us as soon as possible. Last minute withdrawals or no-shows negatively affect the conference experience of your fellow transport professionals.