The Freight & Logistics Programme Committee is interested in receiving papers concerning actual issues such as freight and the environment, impact of strategic logistics on freight systems, freight policy development, city logistics, trans-national networks, air cargo transport, ports and maritime policy. The Freight and Logistics committee of the European Transport Conference is in particular inviting transport and logistics researchers to submit high-level contributions that will be submitted to a set of special issues of selected academic journals with Web of Science ranking. A dedicated review procedure is set up so as to make sure that top quality papers can feature in the journals.
Freight transportation remains one of the harder-to-decarbonise industry segments. Especially at sea or in the air, but even on land, substantial emission reduction is not evident: none of the alternatives provides an outspoken business model. At the same time, logistics keeps on suffering from labour shortages and sub-standard working conditions, it keeps on contributing to congestion, is still the cause of an ample number of accidents, and continuously imposes infrastructure costs on society. All these are themes that keep on being very relevant for 2025 submissions, next to others of course.
For the 2025 conference we have identified four areas of interest that we are especially interested in for exchange of knowledge and discussion:
The committee encourages the debate on the freight and logistics solutions through interesting research results and examples of good practice. This debate can be nourished by papers on finished work as well as work in progress, as there are things to learn in every phase of a project.
We aim to be a forum for professional dialogue. We are happy to offer delegates the opportunity to introduce a specific question, problem or dilemma, on which the speaker and the audience can then reflect together. We are also open to proposals for special sessions. Please indicate in your abstract if you would like to opt for one of these formats or contact the committee chair to discuss.
For all types of papers, the committee emphasises the added value of drawing out the policy relevance.
Important notice:
Each year we receive more abstracts than can be accommodated in the programme. If your abstract is selected, please be aware that others have been rejected, that the ETC organisation has invested time in devising an attractive and coherent programme and that delegates use this programme to decide to come to the conference.
Before submitting your abstract, please make sure at least one of the authors can attend the conference to present the paper or poster, that finances are available for conference fee, travel and accommodation costs and that you have/will obtain the approval needed (from management or client) to present the work in public at the time of the conference. If your paper is accepted, you will be required to book and pay for the conference by the end of June.
We do understand that sometimes circumstances can force authors to withdraw. If so, you would help us by informing us as soon as possible. Last minute withdrawals or no-shows negatively affect the conference experience of your fellow transport professionals.