Global Trends impacting Transport (GTiT) stream covers broad area of key drivers and trends. Recent developments and endeavours in limiting climate change and its consequences, coping with energy crisis and trying to prevent uncertainty led to seeking for sustainable solutions and alternative energy sources. Transport networks and operations are sensitive and have limited resilience to recent ongoing geo-political disturbances and international conflicts. An ageing population, along with limited mobility transport users, urge for increased accessibility and inclusion in all transport modes with a special focus on equity. Furthermore, a growing workforce deficit in transport related professions is making transport policy and solutions each day harder to implement, requiring more awareness, attractiveness, motivation and involvement from young(er) population, whose working and living conditions and mobility options are to be improved.
Global transport system and transport policies are influenced by key drivers such as demography, economy, society, technology, environment and politics. Different trends in these areas such as individualization, urbanization, sustainability or climate change may change the functioning of the transport system profoundly.
For the 2025 conference we have identified five areas of interest that we are especially interested in attracting, highlighting and discussing:
The GTiT committee seeks discussion with policy makers, ideas from academics, researchers and practitioners to understand the trends and propose effective solutions to imminent impacts and envisage their consequences for the global transport system.
Important notice:
Each year we receive more abstracts than can be accommodated in the programme. If your abstract is selected, please be aware that others have been rejected, that the ETC organisation has invested time in devising an attractive and coherent programme and that delegates use this programme to decide to come to the conference.
Before submitting your abstract, please make sure at least one of the authors can attend the conference to present the paper or poster, that finances are available for conference fee, travel and accommodation costs and that you have/will obtain the approval needed (from management or client) to present the work in public at the time of the conference. If your paper is accepted, you will be required to book and pay for the conference by the end of June.
We do understand that sometimes circumstances can force authors to withdraw. If so, you would help us by informing us as soon as possible. Last minute withdrawals or no-shows negatively affect the conference experience of your fellow transport professionals.