Systems thinking is well suited to the study of transport and mobility. It is a framework that can help us identify and understand the underlying structures and mental models that influence complex situations, allowing us to understand the benefits and risks of our possible interventions. Transport and mobility are complex and dynamic, involving multiple stakeholders and comprising technological, infrastructural and behavioural issues. It is an enabler of benefits (and harms) across various sectors, and is at the centre of net zero and societal challenges. The Systems Thinking Programme Committee encourages submissions concerning both qualitative and quantitative systems approaches that have been applied to any aspect of transport and mobility, including but not limited to group model building, causal loop diagrams, context/influence mapping and we have a particular interest in system dynamics (stock flow) models.
In 2025 we will consider abstracts covering any application of systems thinking in the context of transport and mobility, such as policy and planning, impact assessment, stakeholder engagement and gamification, dashboards and tools. Applied, theoretical and methodological papers are all welcome, and we have a particular interest this year in the use of innovative approaches (such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning techniques) and the use of novel data sources (such as mobile phone or visual data) in system dynamics and systems thinking projects.
We invite abstracts from any career stage and sector, often having a good mix of academic, consultancy and institutional papers, thus leading to focused discussions on the use of systems thinking within transport policy and planning. In particular, we seek papers that demonstrate both the potential and success of system thinking in transport related research and practice, to provoke discussion of conceptual issues through to fully tried-and-tested models and applications. We also welcome proposals for workshops or demonstration sessions that introduce systems thinking techniques to new audiences.
The Systems Thinking Programme Committe is sponsored by the System Dynamics Society Specical Interest Group in Transportation.
Important notice:
Each year we receive more abstracts than can be accommodated in the programme. If your abstract is selected, please be aware that others have been rejected, that the ETC organisation has invested time in devising an attractive and coherent programme and that delegates use this programme to decide to come to the conference.
Before submitting your abstract, please make sure at least one of the authors can attend the conference to present the paper or poster, that finances are available for conference fee, travel and accommodation costs and that you have/will obtain the approval needed (from management or client) to present the work in public at the time of the conference. If your paper is accepted, you will be required to book and pay for the conference by the end of June.
We do understand that sometimes circumstances can force authors to withdraw. If so, you would help us by informing us as soon as possible. Last minute withdrawals or no-shows negatively affect the conference experience of your fellow transport professionals.