The AET is a membership led organisation that relies on the voluntary commitment of its members. However, to operate at a professional level to provide benefits for the members and ensure the successful delivery of ETC as the most established annual transport conference in Europe, AET has a contract for support of the AET services and ETC delivery.
The contract is let every three to five years, and from April 2022 onwards the contract for AET services and ETC delivery needed to be renewed.In November 2021 a tender was prepared by a working group consisting of AET Board members and AET members. In December the tender was set out to selected firms, and in January the proposals for the tender were received. AET was happy that bids of high quality were received.
From the assessment the proposal of Training for Transportation Professionals (TfTP) was selected as winning bid. The new contract will secure the AET services support and ETC delivery for the coming three years, until 2025, and can be extended optionally for two extra years.
TfTP has been the provider for the AET services and ETC delivery since 2011, and the team of TfTP to deliver the contract is a mix of old and new. To mark the start of the new contract and set the ambition for the coming years a contract inception workshop was held at the Jacobs office in London. We are all looking forward to the continued cooperation between AET and ETC.
Image left to right: Keith Homer and Sabrina Winter of TfTP, and Remko Smit, Hermann Maier and Jeffrey Howard of AET