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First Year in Antwerp

After two years in Milan, the European Transport Conference (ETC) has just taken place in a new location at the University of Antwerp in Belgium.

ETC is the flagship annual event of the Association for European Transport (AET) and it was held this year for the 52nd time. The conference is shaped by its eleven Programme Committees, which set the conference themes and select the papers from submitted abstracts. Papers are presented in up to eleven parallel streams, and delegates are free to mix and match seminars from different streams according to their interest. 

One of the particular strengths of the conference is that it brings together academics, practitioners and policy makers, and that it invites contributions from people at all stages of their career. The Young Researchers' and Practitioners' Forum encourages early career professionals to present in sessions that provide constructive and comprehensive feedback as well as time for discussion, and early-stage and experimental projects are explicitly welcome here.

The opening plenary featured prominent speakers from Antwerp and the European Commission, and a series of special sessions throughout the conference completed the conference programme.

As always, the conference featured a series of Awards. The AET Awards and the Neil Mansfield Award (given in the name of a brilliant young researcher who passed away at a young age) were presented at the conference, while the Goudappel Land-use/Transportation Award and the Jacobs Prize for the most innovative Use of Data will be announced in the weeks following the conference, after selection of the winner from a review of the submitted and presented papers.

A further news article on the highlights of the Antwerp conference will be issued shortly.

Pictured above: Hermann Maier, AET Board Chair, opening the 2024 European Transport Conference