Every year in January we make a fresh and exciting start: the opening of the call for papers for the upcoming European Transport Conference. In the weeks leading up to this, the conference team and the programme committees deliberate themes and issues that we would like to invite abstracts on. Given the broad spectrum of topics ETC covers, this always feels like a high speed ride through all that is happening in our industry, the good and the more challenging. There is so much still to analyse, learn and tackle.
The conference call for papers contains the general themes we have chosen. We highlight the often opposing forces we currently have to deal with in our daily work as transport professionals. For example: we need to prepare for the end of fossil fuel car sales in 2035, as well as consider increasing opposition to climate policies, or we aim to provide accessible public transport for all, while costs are rising and the labour market is tight.
This year, we put extra effort into the calls for papers of each of our 12 programme committees. These contain issues and themes on more specific areas in the transport domain, to inspire you to put forward an abstract. Because we would love to hear from you. What are you working on? What have you learned and want to share? What would you like to discuss or get the insights of your fellow transport professionals on?
I would like to stress that we are open to transport professionals in all career stages, from those just finishing training to the more senior, and from all over Europe and beyond. We take interest in abstracts on work in progress as well as finished work, since valuable insights can be gained in every phase of a project. We are also happy to offer delegates the opportunity to introduce a specific question, problem or dilemma, on which the speaker and the audience can then reflect together, or to propose a special session or workshop. If you would like to submit a proposal, please contact us.
We hope you are considering putting in your abstract. Please do so before our deadline on 7 February midnight. Twelve programme committees are waiting to go through all the submissions and design an attractive conference programme.
We are truly on our way to Antwerp and we hope to see you there!