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Politecnico di Milano, Milan

2023 saw the second European Transport Conference of two years at the Politecnico di Milano in Milan.

Building on a half-century at the centre of transport research, policy and practice in Europe, ETC 2023 opened proceedings with a welcome address from Hermann Maier, AET Board Chair.

In the opening plenary, Professor Rosario Macario (pictured above-centre) of the University of Lisboa and Antwerp had a wonderful presentation about new mobility concepts and adjustments after Covid. A challenge lies in the mobility in Urban systems to transform them towards inclusive systems. To reach that goal Rosario states that Smart cities are not enough, we need smart citizens.

After that, Mona Bjorklund (pictured above-right), Director Policy Coordination of DG Move, presented how the EU is thinking about the future developments in transport and mobility via the themes: Connectivity of regions, Behavioural changes, accessibility and infrastructure needs and Competitive changes.

The second day of the conference began with a panel discussion moderated by Conall Mac Aongusa (AET Board member) on the subject of: Will National Plans Achieve Transport Emissions Targets across Europe?

Eminent guest speakers included:

  • Filip Boelaert, Head of Flanders Department of Mobility and Public Works, BE
  • Amanda Rowlatt, Chief Analyst, Analysis and Science Directorate, Department for Transport, UK
  • John Martin, Principal Climate Lead in Department of Transport Dublin, IE
  • Francesco Petracchini, Director, Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research, National Research Council (CNR), IT
  • Thierry Vanelslander, University of Antwerp, BE

Social Events and Technical Tours

With nearly 600 delegates from all across Europe and a busy social agenda, there were plenty of opportunities for networking.

AET's Council Chair, Oliver Charlesworth organised a running tour of around 5 - 6 km, which took in many of Milan's main tourist attractions. And for those who preferred 2 wheels, separate bicycle and e-scooter tours were also available.

A visit to DriSMi, the state-of-the-art driving simulator of Politecnico of Milano, was organised each day during the conference, where the delegates could see it in action, lapping the famous Monza Circuit. 

On the third and final day of the conference, the Intelligent Mobility Management and Operation programme committee arranged a session at the ATM Traffic Control Room, while a Local Public Transport tour took in the ATM Messina Tram Depot.